Re: [chrony-users] Using symbolic network names in /etc/chrony.conf file?

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On Wed, 26 Jul 2017, Bryan Christianson wrote:

My view on this is that host/prefix is a shorthand notation for (ip_address & mask) and that should work for both IPv6 and IPv4.
i.e. there is an assumption that people understand how the network and mask are both calculated and used.

I have no problem with the ip part being either a name or an address. In the case of a name, there is always the dilemma of which ip address to use if there are multiple A records for that name.

In chrony I think name/prefix could mean all hosts in the network defined by (address & mask) == (host & mask)

That might be a way of defining what it means, but that is AFAIK a nonstandard
way of defining it, and chrony would have to be written to support that
interpretation. According to Lichvar, it is not. I does strike me as something
that is not needed, and potentially confusing. Thus one might expect and to refer to two different network
ranges (it would not).

Ie, I think it would be best for chrony to follow standard useage and not
strike out on its own.
Why did Parker  want this anyway? He never said.

On 26/07/2017, at 2:40 AM, Miroslav Lichvar <mlichvar@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 10:28:09AM -0400, Chris Greenman wrote:
When you specify a hostname, that's it. It's a 32bit address (ipv4 of
course).  Throwing a netmask on it does nothing except specify that your
network segment has 64,510 usable addresses.  Now if you edit /etc/networks
and add mynet then you can use the mynet/16 notation in your

If the network is specified in /etc/networks, there should be no need
to add /16, right?

chronyd doesn't use the getnet*() functions (which work with
/etc/networks), so I'm wondering how does that work. It doesn't seem
to work for me.

Miroslav Lichvar

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Bryan Christianson

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