Re: [chrony-users] Chrony Server Not Listening

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On Fri, 4 Mar 2016, Nathan wrote:

Surely there isn't going to be any more of an offset than 1 second.

It can happen with NMEA. It has been reported in the past that the end of the
nmea sentence occured after the start of the next sentence.

I MIGHT use chrony fully at some point, but at the same time if
systemd were to integrate an ntp server, I would just use that
instead. Consider it some disorder (ocd?) where I like to minimize
packages used and consolidate everything. I like how systemd is
folding every common need into one package/source.
But we're getting a bit OT now.

But now you are using both ntpd and chrony. One could go on and on about systemd, including, if something goes wrong, it
is extremely hard to fix, but as you say, that is OT

On Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 11:00 AM, Bill Unruh <unruh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Why would you do that? Chrony not only disciplines the clocks better
offset from the "right time") but has other advantages as well (eg much
convergence, reporting the "right time" to clients even before it has
converged, ....)
No I had not. Sorry.

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