Re: [chrony-users] gpsd, pps and chrony

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On Tue, 5 Apr 2011, Ed W wrote:

On 05/04/2011 16:23, Ed W wrote:

What config error causes chrony to die? The config file is parsed
before daemon(), but they are not treated as fatal, just warnings.
Should chrony abort if there are any?

This does it:


Also, these logs from something which died on startup (I'm messing with my kernel clock delay calculation)

Apr  5 18:48:20 localhost chronyd[3283]: chronyd version DEVELOPMENT starting
Apr  5 18:48:20 localhost chronyd[3283]: Set system time, error in RTC = -5.256069
Apr  5 18:48:35 localhost chronyd[3283]: set_config_hz=1 hz=1024 shift_hz=7 basic_freq_scale=0.12500000 nominal_tick=977 slew_delta_tick=81 max_tick_bias=97
Apr  5 18:48:35 localhost chronyd[3283]: Linux kernel major=2 minor=6 patch=37
Apr  5 18:48:35 localhost chronyd[3283]: Frequency 99478.679 +- 691.917 ppm read from /var/lib/chrony/drift
Apr  5 18:48:35 localhost user.warn chronyd[3283]: Required tick 880 outside allowed range (885 .. 1069)
Apr  5 18:48:35 localhost user.crit chronyd[3283]: Fatal error : adjtimex failed for set_frequency, freq_ppm=9.9479e+04 scaled_freq=-1.5068e+02 required_tick=885

Well, that should generate a fatal error, since chrony cannot correct it,
because the kernel clock cannot be adjusted that much. Ie, chrony is useless
in that situation and should die.

That is not a config error. It is a "hardware" error-- the clock is
irredemably broken. (Fortunately it was just your kernel config that broke it
so you could recover, but chrony could not)

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