Re: [chrony-users] How to set chrony on a remote server with always on internet

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On 04/05/2010 04:15 PM, David Lord wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 5 Apr 2010 at 12:13, J. Bakshi wrote:
>> On 04/05/2010 10:30 AM, Bill Unruh wrote:
>>> On Mon, 5 Apr 2010, J. Bakshi wrote:
>>>> Thanks for your response. I have followed the tcpdump method with both
>>>> firewall enable and disable mode and both the time the output is
>>>> same; like
>>>> ``````````````````````
>>> ...
>>>> 08:32:53.164293 IP > localhost.323: UDP, length 40
>>>> 08:32:53.164309 IP > UDP, length 44
>>>> ````````````````````````````
>>>> you can see here that port 323 is accessible but still I get the
>>>> error as
>>>> ````````````
>>>> chronyc> tracking
>>>> 506 Cannot talk to daemon
>>>> `````````````````
> What is your chrony.conf?
> In particular the key and allow/deny settings
> David

server auto_offline minpoll 8
server auto_offline minpoll 8
server auto_offline minpoll 8
server auto_offline minpoll 8

# Look here for the admin password needed for chronyc. The initial
# password is generated by a random process at install time. You may
# change it if you wish.

keyfile /etc/chrony/chrony.keys

# Set runtime command key. Note that if you change the key (not the
# password) to anything other than 1 you will need to edit
# /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/chrony, /etc/ppp/ip-down.d/chrony, /etc/init.d/chrony
# and /etc/cron.weekly/chrony as these scripts use it to get the password..

commandkey 1

# I moved the driftfile to /var/lib/chrony to comply with the Debian
# filesystem standard.

driftfile /var/lib/chrony/chrony.drift

# Comment this line out to turn off logging.

log tracking measurements statistics
logdir /var/log/chrony

# Stop bad estimates upsetting machine clock.

maxupdateskew 100.0

# Dump measurements when daemon exits.


# Specify directory for dumping measurements.

dumpdir /var/lib/chrony

# Let computer be a server when it is unsynchronised.

local stratum 10

# Allow computers on the unrouted nets to use the server.

allow 10/8
allow 192.168/16
allow 172.16/12

# This directive forces `chronyd' to send a message to syslog if it
# makes a system clock adjustment larger than a threshold value in seconds.

logchange 0.5

# This directive defines an email address to which mail should be sent
# if chronyd applies a correction exceeding a particular threshold to the
# system clock.

#mailonchange root@localhost 0.5

# This directive tells chrony to regulate the real-time clock and tells it
# Where to store related data. It may not work on some newer motherboards
# that use the HPET real-time clock. It requires enhanced real-time
# support in the kernel. I've commented it out because with certain
# combinations of motherboard and kernel it is reported to cause lockups.

# rtcfile /var/lib/chrony/chrony.rtc

# If the last line of this file reads 'rtconutc' chrony will assume that
# the CMOS clock is on UTC (GMT). If it reads '# rtconutc' or is absent
# chrony will assume local time. The line (if any) was written by the
# chrony postinst based on what it found in /etc/default/rcS. You may
# change it if necessary.


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