Re: [chrony-dev] [PATCH] nm-dispatcher: handle NTP servers from DHCP

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On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 12:43:08AM -0400, Robert Fairley wrote:
> There could still be ways to proceed without doing this, but I'm not
> sure of a natural way of grouping the directives into files, without
> assuming which ones are likely to be overridden by a distribution
> and preserving visibility of the config (e.g. `pool`, `makestep`,
> `sourcedirs` would be best in separate files within `/usr/lib/chrony.d`
> to allow overriding in the case of Fedora CoreOS, but that won't apply
> for other distributions). Another way is having only one directive
> in each `.conf` file under `/usr/lib/chrony.d` and require admins to
> copy the file into `/etc/chrony.d` before editing it, which I think
> would still be reasonable, but it's more difficult for the admin to
> see all the main directives that way.

I think I'd prefer some grouping of directives in fragments like
"10-timesources", "10-defaultpaths" that could be shared between
distributions over single-directive fragments and the "reset"
directive, but I don't really like the fact the admin needs to use a
correct name for the file in order to disable the default sources.

I'll need to think about this more.

> Agreed, it makes sense now to simplify the file now the helper
> isn't included - updated now.

Applied. Thanks!

Miroslav Lichvar

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