Re: [chrony-dev] [PATCH] nm-dispatcher: handle NTP servers from DHCP

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On Fri, Jun 05, 2020 at 06:23:21PM -0400, Robert Fairley wrote:
> Attached an interdiff of the overall changes from last comments.
> I have also updated
> with the downstream patch that would be applied downstream to work with
> Fedora/RHEL.

Following up on the comments from bugzilla about reloading

chronyd cannot easily support reloading its configuration (e.g. due to
losing root privileges), but it could have a directive specific to NTP
sources. The files could be reloaded on request from chronyc. It would
basically reimplement the logic from the chrony-helper script, which
would became redundant.

A dispatcher script would just create or remove a *.sources file in a
directory (e.g. /var/run/chrony-dhcp) specified in chrony.conf and a
chronyc command would tell chronyd to add the new sources and/or
remove sources that are no longer there.

All sources would be visible in chrony.conf. No need to set a PEERNTP
variable to disable the servers from DHCP.

I'll see what it would take to implement such directive.

Miroslav Lichvar

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