Re: [xmoto-dev] Re : About rendering lib |
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Quoting Rasmus Neckelmann <neckelmann@xxxxxxxxx>:
> On 12/10/06, Nicolas Adenis-Lamarre <nadenislamarre@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Rasmus, what is unstable ? Did you try to remove your LCache directory ?
> > I've no problem at all with the current cvs version. I make it test to
> > several people, nobody has problem. Could you be more precise ?
> 1. The game gets slower and slower while running. I have to restart
> the game once in a while because it gets too sluggish. (it's
> especially noticable on my 233mhz laptop, the faster the computer is,
> the more difficult is it to see)
in fact, i don't load levels at startup. But, once one is loaded, i keep it
loaded. It's why it takes more and more memory. But it's not new with 0.2.3 ;
the behavior in 0.2.2 was to load directly all. In endoflevel, we could unload
the level.
Then, according to you, it's a problem of memory ?
I'll work on the replay pb tonight i think so that xmoto takes less memory.
ls -lh ~/.xmoto/Replays ? how much do you have ?
> 2. When limits of some levels are visible the framerate drops to
> something very low.
> It's not just me who is having these problems; all of my 4 groupmates
> at my university are having them too.
it means that i don't do the good test. I will retry tonight.
If you disable the limits, have you still the pb ? I will look at it tonight.
I've time tonight to work on xmoto.
> Another problem: When I start a freshly installed xmoto (with no level
> cache/index) and downloads all levels, it uses around 750 megabytes of
> memory because it needs to load all the levels.
yes, i notice it, but it has always been like this (just rm -rf LCache is enough
to test; it takes 135mo on my computer ; but the problem is the same for
replays, there are fully loaded, i have done no index for them).
I should add a unload() to the levels when loading them the first time.