[xmoto-dev] Re: [xmoto] invalid amd64 replays |
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i want having this bug corrected, however,
i found nobody having an x64 wanting to help me (the only people i found having
this problem didn't know how to compile xmoto on their machine),
i have no x64. I know where is the bug (but not precisely where ; it is linked
to how the enum are stored ; in 0.2.3 they are converted them into int but it
seems that it doesn't help)
I can't correct it myself because i can't test anything.
It's the reason why there is no progress on this bug.
Quoting Pascal Giard <evilynux@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi Samuel,
> any progress on this issue?
> I've just tried 0.2.3 and unfortunately, the bug is still present.
> -Pascal
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