[xmoto-dev] Level packs, etc

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regarding the new virtual level packs... I think it's maybe a problem
that it could appear quite non-intuitive to many users.
To illustrate it I've made a screenshot with some arrows :)


What I mean is:

- The user will find it strange that there's both a level pack called
"all levels" and a tab called "all levels".
- He will probably also find it strange that there's a level pack
called "unpacked levels"... How can levels not in a level pack be in a
level pack? :)
- He will not know what the extra number below "# levels" means
- He will not know what the tilde in front of the virtual level packs
mean (it won't help to write it in the changelog or readme, 99% of
players will never read those)
- A new user will probably be confused first time he clicks the
"Levels" button. Especially now there's no built-in levels, he will
not know what to click.

I don't know if it's better to show the "All levels" tab per default
instead of the "Level packs" tab. It wouldn't be ideal as he would
likely try some very difficult levels to begin with, and would
probably end up getting angry at the game and never play it again.

Just my thoughts...

Rasmus Neckelmann

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