Re: [xmoto-dev] VBO

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Quoting Rasmus Neckelmann <neckelmann@xxxxxxxxx>:

> On 12/20/06, Kees Jongenburger <kees.jongenburger@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Hello
> > in Renderer.cpp there is a method called GameRenderer::unprepareForNewLevel
> > this method contains this call
> > glDeleteBuffersARB(1, (GLuint *) &m_Geoms[i]->Polys[j]->nVertexBufferID);
> >
> > is this related to useVBOs?
> > can I wrap in around a useVBOs() ?
> Yes, it should only be called when VBOs are used. If it's not already
> protected by a useVBOs(), it's a bug.
> --
> Rasmus Neckelmann

Kees, if it's a bug a that you change something, commit on both branches please.

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