Re: [uruk] Trouble Installing 2.0, Beta 2 onto hard disk.

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This message comes from a working instance of Uruk 2.0, Beta 2, on an old Asus 32-bit netbook.  Only issue, on here, seems to be the slowness of the machine.  My Thinkpad 11E is the one having all the installation issues.  The live system runs beautifully from USB.  I would like to get it going on the Thinkpad, and use my Thinkpenguin Wifi dongle. 


Dave  Hunt

XMPP:  dahunt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

On 10/05/2017 06:23 AM, Hayder wrote:
Thanks for your feedback , I tried installing uruk on my machine and VM and it's running without any issues , so we need more tests from other people to figure out what's the problem , or see the log file , or trying to install it on deference machines.
Thank you very much for your reply and we waiting for any new issues, suggestions or ideas

On October 5, 2017 12:44:21 PM GMT+03:00, "pinmaritim@xxxxxxxxxx" <pinmaritim@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On 04/10/17 18:20, Dave Hunt wrote:
Hello! When trying to install 2.0 Beta 2 onto a 'Thinkpad 11E, The installation process  goes to 12% progress, in second stage. After about 60 minutes of sitting there, I get a message about the installer crashing, with no details on what happened.  I wrote the live image using the image writing tool, found on the Beta 2; the Beta works on an old 32-bit notebook.  On the newer Thinkpad, I'm using the 64.  Thinking it may be a problem with one of the Trisquel repos, I updated the Trisquel sources list to use the US server; this does not change the behavior. Thanks for amy help, Dave   H.
Hi Dave ;-) I have been unable to install Uruk 2.O beta 2 I686 , in fact i can't get into the Mate graphical environment to be able to install and this in I386, in safe graphical mode or Try Uruk the process freezes before, but i can boot with no issues the 2.O I686(and had previously installed it on the same pc, a Thinkpad T400)some mentioned on the Forum T8 installer issues I have also been very surprised by the lack of security precautions taken by people who download Uruk Iso ..i downloaded & checked the md5/Sha256 and verified the iso, so excluding myself only 2 others down-loaders have checked the isos cheksums!out of 36 for I386 & 2 for the amd64 out of 141 ! Sorry this is not very helpfull, for the Uruk team :( i'm missing time to actually work out what the issue is, i suppose one would have to enter runlevel in live environment to see what actually is happening Dave seeing you get past the post install you can have access to the logs in ~/var (debug var log installer) kind Regards MangyDog

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