Re: Nimrod

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From: Alexander Medvedev
21.07.2012 13:52

> Looks nice and fast.. Even though I hate using binaries, where preperly
>optimized shell scripts are sufficient.

There a number ways how to write shell scripts. For solving certain problem you can use 'awk' or 'grep' and 'sed', etc. All these are binaries, isn't it?

I creare more special binaries for solving speed issue in the TazPanel. And I pack this binaries into one multy-binary file like busybox's way.

Currently development is in 'nim-tools' in the SliTaz Hg repos. There you can find newest version of my code. I optimised 'list' (My Packages) procedure and speed up it 2 times more; implemented errors (currently in 'e3' package's description) checking; implemented fast list of available locales.

And, I want to say that my experiment shows me 500 (not 5, as Trixar_za posted) times faster execution of scripts. I know that our light TazWeb needs about a 10s to render long-long table with all available packages, but it's not my code issue. I'll experiment with static layout of table, where table cells have constant width, maybe it'll speed rendering.

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