Re: TazDrop - Small help and suggestion

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For one it was it not working. mercurial was not a build depend. So it was broken on tank.

Two, we need the source be cashed or the source dvd will will be useless. Its in slitaz-tools so its depends on slitaz-tools source. This was the only way from it not becoming a wanted package for slitaz-tools and still have its own version number.

So in that way it is independent but just from slitaz-tools version number.

On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 12:10 PM, Christophe Lincoln <pankso@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


> I just fixed tazdrop receipt.
> It was broken before and it would have cause a download every time
> tazdrop is build.

Fixed it a big word since it was working. But now with your
modification we must release/tag slitaz-tools each time I want to update
TazDrop ?

I want it to be indepandante... that why I did it that way.

- Christophe

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