Re: Translation: next cooking announce

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Hi all,

Here is the translation to Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil).
Happy new (Slitaz) year, best regards :-)

"O projeto Slitaz tem o prazer de apresentar a nova imagem ISO versão
cooking do LiveCD. Ela permite que seja utlizado e testado todo o
trabalho realizado durante os últimos meses. Inclui muitas
características novas, correções de bugs e inúmeras atualizações. A
distribuição central inclui agora o controle de gerenciamento WiFi via
Netbox, e as ferramentas wifi trazem ainda o tazdis, uma versão mais
clara do ndiswarapper para usar os drivers do Windows para interfaces
de rede que não possuem uma versão aberta. A linguagem Perl foi
incluída no cdrom e a Lua foi removida. O suporte a WiFi está
acompanhado do suporte às partições NTFS. Nós liberamos o mplayer para
seleção de pacotes incluídos por padrão no coração do LiveCD. A
administração de pacotes com o Tazpkg foi melhorada ao extremo, agora
permitindo preservar a configuração dos arquivos, atualizando os
programas de acordo com as respectivas datas de construção (build) no
log do servidor do projeto, mantendo as ações e diversas correções que
forem sendo aplicadas. Como consequencia da melhoria dos scripts de
internacionalização, tem-se uma feramenta mais eficiente para gerar o
LiveCD (Tazlito), mais coerente. O repositório cooking conta agora com
mais de 1,100 pacotes prontos para serem instalados. Agradecemos o
trabalho pesado dos desenvolvedores! Você pode fazer o download a
partir dos novos mirrors do projeto oficial."

- Victor Zucarino

2008/12/31 Adam Jennings <agjennings@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Jozee,
> I think that babelfish is a good start, but I think that there are enough of
> us that know English and French.  When one uses one of those translating
> sites, a lot of the idioms and such get all messed up.
> I do agree that is a good starting point though.
> Adam
> On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 7:31 PM, Rohit Joshi <rj.rohit@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This is great news.
>> For translation from french to english, I have been using Yahoo Babel Fish
>> ( or Google Translate
>> ( Can I suggest to add anyone of them  for
>> automatic translation to slitaz website and forum? It will be great help to
>> people speaking english.
>> Here is the translation from google (with some modification):
>> The project SliTaz is proud to offer a new ISO image of the LiveCD version
>> of Cooking. It allows you to utitilize and to test the work done in the
>> recent months. It includes
>> many new features, bug fixes and several updates. The distribution center
>> now includes a management control Netbox via WiFi and the tools for wifi
>> management and also includes tazndis, a lighter version of ndiswrapper to
>> use the Windows drivers for network cards with no free driver. Perl is
>> included on the cdrom and Lua was deleted.
>> The WiFi support and also accompanied by support NTFS partitions. We
>> released mplayer for selecting packages included by default in the heart of
>> the LiveCD. Manager
>> Tazpkg packages has been greatly improved, it allows the preservation of
>> configuration files, updating software according to their date of
>> construction (build) on the server project file log is kept during actions
>> on packages and several fixes have been applied. In the wake of the better
>> scripts initialization are more efficient tool to build the LiveCD
>> (Tazlito) more coherent. The Cooking repository now more than 1,100
>> software packages ready to be installed and thanks to work SliTaz hard for
>> developers. You can download this new grinding mirrors from a project
>> official.
>> --Jozee
> --
> -- --
> -- -- -- --
> "What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly ... it would be strange
> indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated."
>  -- Thomas Paine
> In other words, the GPL makes the same demands of a would-be software
> distributor that proprietary software does: Buy a license or contribute back
> one's code. The difference is that in the proprietary world, even buying a
> license leaves you shorn of real rights to the code and the "contribution"
> of code back generally involves expensive lawsuits and court-ordered
> injunctions.  -- Matt Asay
> A computer is like air conditioning: it becomes useless when you open
> windows.

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