Re: [Sawfish] Re: High IO while config is open.

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I did a simple test by removing the file-chooser-button from the UI
(patch attached, not meant to be merged into git, just if someone is
curios/interested) and there was no IO activity anymore.

So this is definitely related to the far
no further ideas.


On Thu, 13 Sep 2012 22:03:06 +0200
Christopher Roy Bratusek <nano@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> After messing around with sawfish.wm.ext.wallpaper I suddenly got an
> idea what causes this. I'm almost sure it is GTK+. SawfishConfig in
> recent versions uses a new GTK+ widget for selecting files
> GtkFileChooserButton rather than it's ancient and deprecated
> predecessor.
> GtkFileChooserButton seems to use GIO to poll?
> Regards,
> Chris
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/cfg/shell.jl b/lisp/sawfish/cfg/shell.jl
index d65f3ae..f611edd 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/cfg/shell.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/cfg/shell.jl
@@ -54,7 +54,6 @@
   (define about-button)
   (define edit-button)
   (define install-theme-label)
-  (define install-theme-button)
   (define (initialize-shell)
     (let ((vbox (gtk-vbox-new nil box-spacing))
@@ -118,8 +117,6 @@
 	(gtk-button-set-relief doc-button 'none)
 	(setq install-theme-label (gtk-label-new "Install theme:"))
-	(setq install-theme-button (gtk-file-chooser-button-new '() 'open))
-	(gtk-file-chooser-set-filename install-theme-button "~")
 	(gtk-window-set-title main-window (_ "Sawfish Configurator"))
 	(gtk-widget-set-name main-window (_ "Sawfish Configurator"))
@@ -153,23 +150,9 @@
 	(g-signal-connect doc-button "clicked"
 	  (lambda () (system "x-terminal-emulator -e \"info sawfish Top\" &")))
-	(g-signal-connect install-theme-button "file-set"
-	  (lambda () (let ((file (gtk-file-chooser-get-filename install-theme-button))
-			   (filex))
-		       (unless (file-exists-p "~/.sawfish/themes/")
-			 (unless (file-exists-p "~/.sawfish/")
-			   (make-directory "~/.sawfish/"))
-			 (make-directory "~/.sawfish/themes/"))
-		       (setq filex (last (string-split "/" file)))
-		       (gtk-file-chooser-set-filename install-theme-button "~")
-		       (if (string-match "\\.tar" filex)
-			   (copy-file file (concat "~/.sawfish/themes/" filex))
-			 (sawfish-config-display-info "Only tar-archives can be installed at the moment." nil)))))
 	(gtk-container-add hbox-a wiki-button)
 	(gtk-container-add hbox-b install-theme-label)
-	(gtk-container-add hbox-b install-theme-button)
 	(gtk-container-add hbox-b doc-button)
 	(gtk-container-add hbox-b edit-button)
 	(gtk-container-add hbox-a about-button)

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