Re: [Sawfish] Error switching to StyleTAB

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On Tue, 14 Jun 2011, Christopher Roy Bratusek wrote:

> > When I try to select it in sawfish-ui, I get a pop-up w/ this error:
> > 
> > While changing default-frame-style:
> > Unbound variable: define-command-gaol

> Do you have
> (defvar-setq themes-are-gaolled nil)
> somewhere in your resource-file? That's the only thing I could come up now,
> without knowing more about your setup.

No, my .sawfishrc file has this, which I take it does nothing as it is 
commented out.:

;;  (define-special-variable themes-are-gaolled t
;;    "When non-nil themes are assumed to be malicious.")

I am running librep 0.92.0, rep-gtk 0.90.6 , sawfish 1.8.1, on fedora 13 

This is my .sawfishrc : 

(require 'sawfish.wm.viewport)

  (define-special-variable customize-command-classes '(default viewport)
    "Also include commands of these classes the key bindings panel.
  Add the `viewport' keyboard to make viewport commands show up.")
  (define-special-variable viewport-dimensions '(2 . 2)
    "Size of each virtual workspace.")

  (define-special-variable workspace-boundary-mode 'stop
    "How to act when passing the first or last workspace, one of
`stop', `wrap-around' or `keep-going'")

  (require 'sawfish.wm.edge.flip)

  (define-special-variable edge-flip-enabled t
    "Select the next desktop when the pointer hits screen edge.")

  (define-special-variable edge-flip-type 'viewport
    "Control what hitting the screen edge selects, workspace or viewport.")

And .sawfish/custom:

;; sawfish user customization -- do not edit by hand!
;; sawfish version 1.6.3, written Tue Jun 14 10:17:12 2011

(custom-set-typed-variable (quote default-frame-style) (quote Eazel-blue) (quote frame-style))
(custom-set-typed-variable (quote top-bottom-edge-move-action) (quote flip-viewport) (quote (choice none viewport-drag flip-workspace flip-viewport)))
(custom-set-typed-variable (quote left-right-edge-move-action) (quote flip-viewport) (quote (choice none viewport-drag flip-workspace flip-viewport)))
(custom-set-typed-variable (quote top-bottom-edge-action) (quote flip-viewport) (quote (choice none/hot-spot viewport-drag flip-workspace flip-viewport)))
(custom-set-typed-variable (quote left-right-edge-action) (quote flip-viewport) (quote (choice none/hot-spot viewport-drag flip-workspace flip-viewport)))
(custom-set-typed-variable (quote edge-actions-enabled) (quote t) (quote boolean))
(custom-set-typed-variable (quote audio-events-enabled) (quote t) (quote boolean) (quote
(custom-set-keymap (quote global-keymap) (quote (keymap (cycle-windows . "W-TAB") ((activate-viewport 1 1) . "M-F1") ((activate-viewport 2 1) . "M-F2") ((activate-viewport 1 2) . "M-F3") ((activate-viewport 2 2) . "M-F4") (next-workspace . "W-Right") (previous-workspace . "W-Left"))))
(custom-set-typed-variable (quote wm-modifier-value) (quote (alt)) (quote modifier-list))
(custom-set-typed-variable (quote window-history-auto-save-dimensions) (quote t) (quote boolean) (quote window-history))
(custom-set-typed-variable (quote raise-window-timeout) (quote 0) (quote number))
(custom-set-typed-variable (quote raise-windows-on-focus) (quote t) (quote boolean) (quote auto-raise))
(custom-set-variable (quote focus-mode) (quote click))
(custom-set-variable (quote tooltips-enabled) (quote t) (quote tooltips))

Chris Candreva  -- chris@xxxxxxxxxxx -- (914) 948-3162
WestNet Internet Services of Westchester

Sawfish ML

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