RE: [qet] QET Translation issues

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Dag Nico,


Het klopt dat niet alles vertaald is, sta ook achter op de software vertaling door gebrek aan tijd



Vriendelijke Groeten,




Van: Nico Hellebaut <nico.hellebaut@xxxxxxxxx>
Verzonden: donderdag 18 juli 2019 15:06
Aan: qet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Onderwerp: [qet] QET Translation issues


Goodafternoon ( here in belgium it's 15:00 ) 


I ma trying to work with this magnificent piece of software, but i seem to bump in to  some issues, they could already have been adressed, or they are new.


Since i am trying to figure out how to maximize the softwares potential, i noticed these things :


  - The name of the collection elements doesn't change tot the language i've selected ( in this case Belgium - flemish)


On the other hand, i C some words/parts have not been translated, or rather unconvenient choice of words.


I wish to help u people out on this, but i would like to know what is the best way of sending u a list with translations/optimizations in these words/sentences,...


screenshot + translation?


words + location in software  + translation,...


They are a numerous ways of providing info, but is has to be usable and efficient for u developers to import,


u can reply me any time, but i live in belgium, so could be i react later then foreseen :)


If i can help, gladly but i am in no way a programmer, i can however work efficiently wth pc's, linux, libreoffice,...

as advanced user i will try to keep the effort on my side maximized to help.





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