Re: [qet] Message windows Translation

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Il 13/05/2013 12:29, laurent T ha scritto:

in usr/share/qelectrotech/lang I have the attached qt_it.ts and qt_it.qm -> is 
not Qet file !
When i package debian Qet i don't install qt_it.ts and qt_it, just qet_it.ts 
and qet_it.qm in your usr/share/qelectrotech/lang

And the code at closediagramdialog this :

	buttons_ = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Save | 
QDialogButtonBox::Discard | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel);
	connect(buttons_, SIGNAL(clicked(QAbstractButton *)), this, 
SLOT(storeAnswer(QAbstractButton *)));

This buttons dialog are translated by your libqt4 files installed, not by Qet 

I have uninstalled:
QT (Linguist, creator, etc)

After I have removed the following folder:
QT3 (probably an old installation?)

Now I installed qet from:

Now I have already a qelectrotech folder (see image)
and the "Close without savig" (but correcly translated) text it's in qt_it.ts not in qet_it.ts
I have no knowledge of QT and I thought that those files were related to the dialog boxes.

I have no warnigs if I use
LANG=it_IT.utf8 qelectrotech

qet folder after installation via .deb file

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