Re: [proaudio] Some ebuild reports seems to be unnoticed

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В письме от 9 декабря 2013 22:00:41 пользователь Karl Lindén написал:

> I have not forgotten about your ebuilds. Sorry if you expected me or

> someone else to give you a notice about the status of the process. I will

> take a look at it later on when I get the time.

thanks :)


> The following sections might be considered somewhat off topic, but I think

> these issues might be related to the process in general.


> If you feel you want to speed up the process you can always submit all

> changes you make to the overlay as SVN diffs. This is my personal opinion,

> but I think it is a lot easier to review changes as patches, so if you send

> the patches it will save me the work of moving the ebuilds to the overlay

> tree and then generate the patch (using "svn diff"). This was just a little

> nitpicking from my side...

About patches - same wish. Need to have more practive with svn, than simple cloning of projects. I already use git at enough power for development.

I considered much earlier tuxfamily as even hosting for software. But simple registration requires some data, like precise physical address, what is unacceptable for me (though some people even publish personall cell phone, tastes, etc in social networks), what caused me to change preference to launchpad (now taking look to gna - savannah).


> Well, I would appreciate if someone could take a look at the ebuilds too. I

> will do it myself sooner or later, but the more the merrier. Also, all

> people that have commit rights can commit the changes and if someone

> (including me) has any questions those can be dealt with later on.


> Also, with the risk of going off topic. Would it be an idea to give more

> people commit rights? I believe that the risk of messing things up is small

> and there is SVN to save us if it is needed. All changes can be reverted

> and all changes are sent to the mailing list a soon as the SVN is updated.


> Regards,

> Karl

If svn can import patches directly from email messages without to save them (as git can, as i understand), than this should not make big sence. Currently i'm keeping all changed ebuilds in local overlay until they are included. Getting patches may need some more work:

1) Add stuff to pro-audio -> export patch -> revert changes

2) Use some kind of unionfs (aufs?) specially for this work

Second seems simpler for usage, but harder to get.


And my think about near related themes, written in one message - now unsure, how it is on linuxaudio lists, but e.g., if initial theme smoothly fades to another related, they name message by template "New theme (was re: Old theme)", so discussion flow is preserved.

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