[proaudio] Some ebuild reports seems to be unnoticed

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Hello. I thought, that there are just low time to cause some reports be 
forgotten, but i see some activity there now.

When i created per-package messages, linking to "Several ebuilds", some are 
even not considered (no reply, describing decision, even wether they are 

E.g., openoctave-midi and ac3jack.
For first there is live ebuild, which is broken. I have it fixed for self, it 
works fine, like expected after some trial under ubuntu.
As for ac3jack - i don't know anything else, adding ac3 support to jack. Or it 
is indeed unneeded? Version from overlay has some compilation problems, i 
added patch.

Screencastor. As i said, it depends on "vte", for which any slot matches, but 
it needs previous - "vte:0".

Yet. what about ardour ebuild?
Btw, i got minimal dark gtkrc, defining only functional stuff (colors for 
mute/solo/rec buttons, tracks).

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