Re: [proaudio] mixxx-9999 Ebuild && Patch Updates

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Good catch!  I will add it to my local.


On 12/08/2013 02:14 PM, Karl Lindén wrote:
Committed as revision 2816. Thanks!

By the way, I had to add a dependency on dev-qt/qttest to make the source compile properly. SCons complained about missing pkgconfig file.


2013/12/8 Alex Barker <alex@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:alex@xxxxxxxxxx>>

    Thanks for the ebuild update.  Two of the patches broke upstream
    and have been attached for update.  The 9999-no-bzr.patch can now
    be removed because it functions correctly upstream and with
    portage. The attached ebuild reflects the changes for the no-bzr
    patch update.

    On 12/08/2013 07:04 AM, Karl Lindén wrote:

        Committed as revision 2814. Thanks!

        2013/12/7 Alex Barker <alex@xxxxxxxxxx
        <mailto:alex@xxxxxxxxxx> <mailto:alex@xxxxxxxxxx

            Attached is an update to the mixxx-9999 ebuild that adds a new
            dependency (rubberband) for key detection.  Everything else is

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