Re: [proaudio] VirtualANS Synth

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I am not sure there is a poilicy, but Gentoo does make non-free software available in the same ways as the free software. Feel free to package it and host it in the overlay. However, you should take the following in consideration when packaging it:

1. Make sure the package has a valid license. You should get a license from the homepage or the author and put it in the licenses/ directory in the overlay. After that it is just to specify the license in LICENSE="some-license"
2. Pre-compiled packages should go into /opt.
3. You must not allow the package manager to download the application if that is disallowed by the author. You can handle that with RESTRICT="fetch", if you need to.

Those are the things I can think of now, but I might have missed something.


2013/11/4 Matt Henley <nwmatt@xxxxxxxxx>
I found an interesting synth for my android phone the other day called VirtualANS ( ).  Going to the authors website ( ) I realized that it included a linux version including JACK support.  It does not include source or nice a nice installer.  I have it running acceptably (command line only so far)  but was thinking about what would be required to package it nicely for gentoo.  Also..  does proaudio have a policy about non-opensource programs?  It is based on pixilang (same author) which includes source and is under MIT license.


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