Re: [proaudio] Importing ladi overlay to proaudio overlay

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Le Thu, 27 Dec 2012 13:12:30 +0000,
toki clover <tokiclover@xxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

> I'd like to just add, again, that this is an occasion to migrate to
> git. Many proaudio users, including myself, will contribute with a git
> vcs instead of a subversion one. I created
> a few weeks ago, but nobody seems to be interested into it. I'll
> delete everything next time I have a chance to be logged as proaudio.

The 2 things are independent. Also, I use git for another project, but
for an overlay, I do prefer svn, because with svn, you can screw up
things in the layman tree (not the devel tree, the tree used by layman
and portage), and all you have to do is to delete the crewed up part of
the overlay and issue a simple "svn up". With git, you have the delete
the overlay and re-add it. After what you also have to edit the layman
configuration files if you want to change the priority between the

Now, I know that it is not good practice to edit directly the files into
a layman managed overlay. But sometime this is just more convenient to
do so...

In fact, I don't really care as long it work. And both svn and git will
work. My main concern is time. Who want to 1) make the migration,
2) adjust the URI into the wiki, and 3) manage the commits from the

1) is already done. But I would prefer to have it on tuxfamily for 2
a) It would be straightforward to add all the devs.
b) I have very good friends and family in Cuba. I am planing to move to
this country in a few years. github is based in the US and this last
country do have a very f, hostile politics toward Cuba. I send an email
to github to know their policy toward Cuba, but I thing I already know
a part of the answer: they can make no warranty if the f. hostile US
politics toward Cuba will change for the better or the worst, and
consequently, if it will be possible to access github from Cuba in a
few years from now.

I can do 2).

If someone can answer to 3), I have no objection, I suppose I can make
1) on tuxfamily and be sure than every dev get write access to it.


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