Re: [proaudio] Importing ladi overlay to proaudio overlay

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I'd like to just add, again, that this is an occasion to migrate to
git. Many proaudio users, including myself, will contribute with a git
vcs instead of a subversion one. I created
a few weeks ago, but nobody seems to be interested into it. I'll
delete everything next time I have a chance to be logged as proaudio.

2012/12/25, Karl Lindén <>:
> Thanks for your answers so far! We will wait a little while until we
> start the import just so everyone can have their say (in case someone
> is on vacation due to Christmas).
> Thanks Dominique for reporting the issues. They should both be fixed by
> now.
> Regards,
> Karl
> 2012/12/25 Dominique Michel <dominique.michel@xxxxxxxxx>:
>> Le Sun, 23 Dec 2012 21:32:35 +0100,
>> Karl Lindén <> a écrit :
>>> Hi!
>>> Me and Nedko Arnaudov have come up the idea of merging the ladi
>>> overlay to the proaudio overlay. Both overlays aim at proaudio
>>> production so we don't see a reason for having two overlays. This
>>> import would also reduce the risk of doing duplicate work and is more
>>> convenient as users don't need to download and keep track of two
>>> overlays.
>>> What do you think? Would it be a good idea? If no one opposes the idea
>>> we can start working immidiately.
>> Yes, it is a good idea. I took a fast look, and a few things need to be
>> fixed. First, laditools fail with
>> emerge: there are no ebuilds built with USE flags to satisfy
>> "dev-python/pygobject[introspection]".
>> !!! One of the following packages is required to complete your request:
>> - dev-python/pygobject-3.2.2-r1::gentoo (Missing IUSE: introspection)
>> - dev-python/pygobject-3.2.2::gentoo (Missing IUSE: introspection)
>> - dev-python/pygobject-2.28.6-r52::gentoo (Missing IUSE: introspection)
>> (dependency required by "media-sound/laditools-1.0.1" [ebuild])
>> (dependency required by "laditools" [argument])
>> Introspection support was removed from all gentoo pygobject due to
>> upstream recommendation # (see
>> I try to remove the introspection USE depend from laditools ebuild.
>> emerge work, but the only program that work is ladi-system-tray. All
>> the other programs are failing.
>> Another error is the URI in dev-python/enum. It begin with mirror://
>> This tell portage to search for the archive on the gentoo mirrors where
>> this file is not. Should be replaced by http://
>> Dominique
>>> Regards,
>>> Karl Lindén
>> --
>> "We have the heroes we deserve."

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