Re: [proaudio] Could you please these QJackMMC and jackctlmmc ebuilds?

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I don't think than the following line is needed:
 DEPEND dev-util/pkgconfig"

must be enough instead.

pkgconfig is a very standard gentoo package and I think than, if
QJackMMC / jackctlmmc doesn't need a specific version, which is not
the case according to your evuilds, it must not be needed.

 Hi Dominique,

Thanks for the feedback. I only added the pkgconfig dependency because I saw it in another ebuild that used pkgconfig. I agree with you that just about every gentoo user will have it installed and it can probably be left out, but I think it's technically supposed to be there according to bugs like this:

Do you have permission to add ebuilds to the overlay or know who I would ask?

Thanks for looking those over!
-- Alex

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