Re: [proaudio] What happed to media-sound/fmit ?

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* Gavin Pryke [2010-11-22 07:10]:
> As far as I know the latest version from the fmit homepage is still a Qt3 app. 
> Please post back your findings whether you get it to work or not. If it 
> doesn't work maybe it should be masked.

A few weeks ago, I tried installing Qt3 from the kde-sunset overlay and
building fmit using both the ebuild and by hand, but got compilation
errors in both cases. I wanted to look into the errors a bit more
closely before asking about it, but never did, so if anyone can make it
work, please tell us about it.

Maybe someone could ask the fmit developer whether there are any plans
to port it? The TODO file doesn't mention anything in that direction,
but if there was demand, he'd probably consider it, since apart from
Gentoo, other distros have removed Qt3 as well...


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