Re: [proaudio] ardour 3.9999 convert to waf??

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On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 7:37 AM, sonofzev@xxxxxxxxxxxx
<sonofzev@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Tue May 26 23:26 , Mark Knecht  sent:
>>On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 2:35 AM, allan sonofzev@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hi Folks
>>> I know this is probably a big job but is it possible for ardour 3.9999
>>> to be converted to use waf to compile instead of scons.. It appears that
>>> waf is the preferential way and scons is becoming deprecated.
>>> I have been unable to compile from the ebuild for the last few versions
>>> but have successfully built it using the waf method.
>>> Regards
>>> Allan
>>I suspect that this question is best posed to Paul Davis. The ebuild
>>just implements under portage whatever the project uses, so this is a
>>project question, not a Gentoo question.
>>Ask on Ardour-dev or Ardour-users or write Paul directly. He's very
>>accessible and has a lot of insight into the use of Linux development
>>- Mark
> Hi Mark
> That's the whole point, both systems for compiling are used by the project now.
> Drobilla implemented WAF a few months back. But it seems the devs are mainly
> using WAF now, although both are still available to use.
> Have a look at bug 2693 and 2696 (which I posted)... I definitely didn't
> implement the WAF system in here.. I'm not a coder...
> cheers
> Allan

   Again, I personally don't think this should be a Gentoo pro-audio
decision. If some systems use WAF and others use scons then we end up
with people across the Linux pro audio comminuty doing things
differently and we end up debugging different problems.

   I personally don't have any alignment with the technical side of
this. I just strongly believe there should be a standard and everyone
follows the standard. The devs make the decision what the standard is.

   If WAF is important then I expect that Paul will move to that at a
reasonable time. He was at the leading edge of switching to scons.
He'll pick a good time if it's important.

Just my 2 cents,

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