Re: [proaudio] ardour 3.9999 convert to waf??

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On Tue May 26 23:26 , Mark Knecht  sent:

>On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 2:35 AM, allan sonofzev@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Folks
>> I know this is probably a big job but is it possible for ardour 3.9999
>> to be converted to use waf to compile instead of scons.. It appears that
>> waf is the preferential way and scons is becoming deprecated.
>> I have been unable to compile from the ebuild for the last few versions
>> but have successfully built it using the waf method.
>> Regards
>> Allan
>I suspect that this question is best posed to Paul Davis. The ebuild
>just implements under portage whatever the project uses, so this is a
>project question, not a Gentoo question.
>Ask on Ardour-dev or Ardour-users or write Paul directly. He's very
>accessible and has a lot of insight into the use of Linux development
>- Mark

Hi Mark

That's the whole point, both systems for compiling are used by the project now.
Drobilla implemented WAF a few months back. But it seems the devs are mainly
using WAF now, although both are still available to use.

Have a look at bug 2693 and 2696 (which I posted)... I definitely didn't
implement the WAF system in here.. I'm not a coder... 



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