Re: [proaudio] Various issues

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> Portage is very sensitive with the overlay because the audio pro overlay know
> only what is into the overlay svn repository. If you want to make any change
> into the overlay, it is much better to make a personal and separated overlay for
> that. To incorporate it into portage, you can add it
> into /usr/portage/local/layman/make.conf after $PORTDIR_OVERLAY.
> As example:
> /usr/portage/local/layman/pro-audio
> /usr/portage/local/test"
> Make the changes into the test overlay. That way, if you have 2 ebuilds with the
> same name and version and one of them into the test overlay, portage will
> install the program using the ebuild into the test overlay.
> Cheers,
> Dominique

Yes, I do have a separate personal overlay, the reason for putting
this in the pro-audio tree must have been that I wanted it to be
removed on the next sync. Obviously that didn't happen...

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