Re: [proaudio] Various issues

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On Friday 01 May 2009 14:34:18 Arve Barsnes wrote:
> * A file is not listed in the Manifest:
> '/usr/portage/local/layman/pro-audio/media-sound/buzztard/buzztard-0.3.1.eb
> Is this the reason why portage suddenly wants to downgrade my
> installed 0.4.0 to 0.3.1? A quick peek at the 0.4.0 ebuild with my
> limited knowledge gave no clues on why it didn't want to be installed
> anymore...
> Also, I noticed the message at the end of the ardour 2.8 ebuild to
> backup my session files. Is there so much new stuff in this version
> that this is necessary or is this just because of the new install
> method?


Thanks for the info regarding buzztard. I made a commit a few days ago as I 
couldn't get it to install without a collision of files in the system and 
being a huge buzz fan I had to try it out. I'm not going to be around much 
this weekend but I'll have some time next week to have a look. I modified the 
0.3.0 ebuilds to try and fix a dependency when I modified the 0.4.0 ebuilds, 
that may have gave you trouble, sorry! The thing that is curious to me is 
that there is no 0.3.1 in the pro-audio tree. Do you have another overlay 
with buzztard there or you overlay need updating? Can you check your 
masks/unmasks and package.keywords in /etc/portage to make sure both pkgs are 
at 0.4.0? Failing that I'd try an emerge -v1a gst-buzztard followed by emerge 
buzztard to see if this fixes things in the deps. Else I will have a look 
when I have more time.

Hope this helps and best regards,

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