Re: [proaudio] jackd init script

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Le Sat, 24 Jan 2009 14:10:27 +0000,
Dominique Michel <dominique.michel@xxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

> I am writing a jackd init script. I want this in order to be able to start
> timidity as a JACK client at boot time. jackd must start as user joe.
> If anyone is interested, I can write an ebuild for this and add it into the
> overlay.
> It is 2 files, /etc/conf.d/jackd and /etc/init.d/jackd. It work, but I am not
> 100 % sure on how to read jackd config. It is 2 solutions:
> 1) a variable into /etc/conf.d/jackd
> 2) to read /home/user/.jackdrc
> I choose 2) but is somewhat system specific because /etc/init.d/jackd use sed
> to filter out the options from ~/.jackrc
> So, 1) would be better for an init script. But in the other hand, it is better
> to use 2) and jackd user config.
> A solution would be to add sed as dependency into the ebuild. A better way
> would be to get ride of sed and still use jackd user config. Any clue on how
> to do this?

I am also not sure if the "-g audio" option is needed. It doesn't seam to arm
either. The script already run jackd as user, so i guess that it should use the
groups from that user. 

> Ciao,
> Dominique

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