Re: [proaudio] jackd init script

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This looks like a fantastic idea, especially if it parses a config file... i.e. /etc/conf.d/jackd.conf 
To include things like  jack ports (I use 256 which is double the default) driver, period, number of buffers .e.t.c...) 

Also would be good if there was a way of using some kind of script, so that it could look for the prefferred device (I am plagued with ever changing settings.. and everything bar playing with UDEV has fallen short (due to identical devices on my system).. and I'm a little nervous to be tinkering there)... 

 On Sun Jan 25  1:10 , Dominique Michel  sent:

>I am writing a jackd init script. I want this in order to be able to start
>timidity as a JACK client at boot time. jackd must start as user joe.
>If anyone is interested, I can write an ebuild for this and add it into the
>It is 2 files, /etc/conf.d/jackd and /etc/init.d/jackd. It work, but I am not
>100 % sure on how to read jackd config. It is 2 solutions:
>1) a variable into /etc/conf.d/jackd
>2) to read /home/user/.jackdrc
>I choose 2) but is somewhat system specific because /etc/init.d/jackd use sed
>to filter out the options from ~/.jackrc
>So, 1) would be better for an init script. But in the other hand, it is better
>to use 2) and jackd user config.
>A solution would be to add sed as dependency into the ebuild. A better way
>would be to get ride of sed and still use jackd user config. Any clue on how to
>do this?

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