Re: [proaudio] ebuilds for new versions of ardour 2.7

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On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 9:13 AM, Thomas Kuther <gimpel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Di, 25.11.08 05:25 "Mark Knecht" <markknecht@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I am unable to build it. It seems to require a masked version of
>> portage, which I managed to build, but then requires about 10 other
>> ~amd64 package that havw blocks, one being something called gail-1000
>> which I couldn't figure out how to fix.
>> Not a happy camper.
>> Cheers,
>> Mark
> If I got that correctly, portage-2.1.6_rc1 supports EAPI=2, so that's
> the minimum version you'll need.


> As for the "gnome" dependencies, well, ardour is a Gtk app, and
> therefore needs all those gtk libs.

But does it need so many that are not marked stable by Gentoo?

> For the gail error, just unmask gail-1000 and emerge it directly
> (emerge -av =gail-1000). It should pull in a newer version of gtk+ then
> (which includes gail, so gail-1000 is just a pseudo-ebuild)
> Afterwards the rest should look like usual updates.

My system didn't show gail-1000 as a package as of last evening. There
didn't seem to be anything to unmask. If I ran eix gail it didn't show
gail-1000 as emerge-able.

As for the rest looking like 'usual updates' they are all at least
~arch masked on AMD64 so I'm having to unmask about a dozen packages
to even try this. If I unmask the dozen packages it seems they are
used by lots of other things on my system therefore I'm encuring
system risk to even try this out.

For now I've decided it isn't worth the effort or risk that the system
will develop problems. I've updated portage and I'll hang with that
for now and watch to see how long it takes for any of this Ardour
related stuff to move to stable. Likely I won't get to use Ardour-2.7
for some long period of time.


> HTH,
> Tom

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