Re: [proaudio] ebuilds for new versions of ardour 2.7

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On Di, 25.11.08 05:25 "Mark Knecht" <markknecht@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I am unable to build it. It seems to require a masked version of
> portage, which I managed to build, but then requires about 10 other
> ~amd64 package that havw blocks, one being something called gail-1000
> which I couldn't figure out how to fix.
> Not a happy camper.
> Cheers,
> Mark

If I got that correctly, portage-2.1.6_rc1 supports EAPI=2, so that's
the minimum version you'll need.

As for the "gnome" dependencies, well, ardour is a Gtk app, and
therefore needs all those gtk libs. 

For the gail error, just unmask gail-1000 and emerge it directly
(emerge -av =gail-1000). It should pull in a newer version of gtk+ then
(which includes gail, so gail-1000 is just a pseudo-ebuild)
Afterwards the rest should look like usual updates.


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