Re: [proaudio] Re: Outdated ebuilds - need help?

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Alexis Ballier kirjoitti:
On Mon, 14 Jul 2008 18:15:36 +0200
Trinine <trinine@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Alexis Ballier a écrit:

The other option is of course to submit bugs so that the portage
ebuilds get fixed...
Yes, the option I prefer personnaly.
However, sometimes it doesn't seem to be very useful.
Look at this one :
libfreebob is still missing in portage :(

Bah.. the reason is quite simple: we don't have such hardware and, even
if almost all of them seem very nice, not enough money to spend on it ;p

However, I was looking for a proxy-maintainer that has such hardware to
add it; but unfortunately Jouni wasn't responding after I proposed him.
That means the seat is still free if anybody is interested in having
it ;)

Oh, damn. You know, Alexis, I never got *your* response. It was probably eaten by a spam filter somewhere, or something like that :( And then I forgot the whole thing...

Well, it's very good we got in touch now, this way :) I'm still willing to work as a proxy-maintainer, if you want me to.

Jouni Rinne

| me@home ~$whoami            ^ ^  | "Trust me, I know what I'm doing!" |
| Jouni 'Mad Max' Rinne      ('x') | - Sledge Hammer                    |
| me@home ~$man woman       C " "  | -------[ph34r t3h p3Ngu1n]-------- |
| Segmentation fault (core dumped) | :: user ID: l33tmmx   :: |

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