Re: [proaudio] Outdated ebuilds - need help?

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Am 13.7.2008 schrieb "Arve Barsnes" <arve.barsnes@xxxxxxxxx>:

>When an ebuild has entered portage I believe it is desirable to remove
>them from any overlays, so ebuilds in overlays should generally only
>be for packages not in portage, or for versions newer than the one in
>portage. So if portage has the latest version, no action should be
>taken ;)

Well, i totally agree with you but the portage-ebuilds are sometimes less
'detailed'. For example the jackmidi flag is missing from
portage-qjackctl. A rename of the proaudio ebuild (0.3.2->0.3.3) worked
fine for me.

Am 13.7.2008 schrieb "Reuben Martin" <reuben.m@xxxxxxxxx>:

>I believe the purpose behind those ebuilds was to provide ebuilds for packages
>that generally come from portage, but at one time were being masked or held
>back for one reason or another. They were just never expired once the issues
>in portage were worked out and ebuilds were released.
>Currently portage is pretty up-to-date with popular packages like Ardour. 2.5
>was released last week and I think an ebuild was released in portage the next

Same here, no vst or sys-libs.

Oh by the way i'm not complaining ;) I just don't want to rebuild those
packages once they get bumped in proaudio. (I don't even think portage
does it automatically when the same version becomes available in an
overlay that is already installed from portage).

Just a little annoyance i noticed :)


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