Re: [proaudio] Psychosynth-0.1.1 eautoreconf/aclocal error

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Mysth-R kirjoitti:

I guess...
this is my /etc/make.conf :

#PORTDIR_OVERLAY="/usr/local/portage /usr/local/overlays/pd-overlay"

source /usr/portage/local/layman/make.conf

LINGUAS="fr fr_FR"

and the make.conf from layman directory :


    In any case, I warmly suggest that you make your own overlay and put
    the psychosynth-0.1.1-r1.ebuild there instead of modifying the
    proaudio overlay. The changes you make would be lost the next time
    you sync the proaudio overlay.

You are rigth it should be safer ... but How can I do that ? Do I just create a new directory like "mysthrOverlay" in the /usr/portage/local/layman/ directory ?
and modify my layman's make.conf ? I don't want to make some mistakes...

Thank you for your help, I have much to learn with Gentoo  :D


Don't touch anything inside //layman, just modify /etc/make.conf so it reads
  mkdir -p /usr/local/portage/media-sound/psychosynth
cd into the resulting directory, copy the ebuild there, run
  ebuild psychosynth-0.1.1-r1 digest
  emerge psychosynth

It's that easy...

Oh, and before you do that, I suggest that you remove all the changes you've made inside the layman directory, if any, and resync all your overlays via layman. That's just to make sure there isn't any leftover files which could confuse portage.


| me@home ~$whoami            ^ ^  | "Trust me, I know what I'm doing!" |
| Jouni 'Mad Max' Rinne      ('x') | - Sledge Hammer                    |
| me@home ~$man woman       C " "  | -------[ph34r t3h p3Ngu1n]-------- |
| Segmentation fault (core dumped) | :: user ID: l33tmmx   :: |

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