Re: [proaudio] Psychosynth-0.1.1 eautoreconf/aclocal error

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Mysth-R kirjoitti:
and thank you for your ebuild, but psychosynth is always looking for soundtouch and doesn't find it while libsoundtouch is emerged :

checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0. <http://0.9.0.>.. yes
checking for LIBLO... yes
checking for LIBXML... yes
checking for SNDFILE... yes
checking for SOUNDTOUCH... no
checking for VORBIS... yes
checking for ALSA... yes
checking for JACK... yes
checking for OGRE... yes
checking for CEGUI... yes
checking for CEGUIOGRE... yes
checking for OIS... yes
configure: error:

*** You need libSoundTouch to compile the program.
*** Install it and run this script again.

Really? Well that's strange. You really did use my ebuild as such? And the libsoundtouch is 1.3.1-r1 from portage? At this point, I can only say Works-For-Me(TM), but... could you please post the *whole* output of psychosynth emerge? I'm interested in what happens at the start of configuration.


| me@home ~$whoami            ^ ^  | "Trust me, I know what I'm doing!" |
| Jouni 'Mad Max' Rinne      ('x') | - Sledge Hammer                    |
| me@home ~$man woman       C " "  | -------[ph34r t3h p3Ngu1n]-------- |
| Segmentation fault (core dumped) | :: user ID: l33tmmx   :: |

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