Re: [proaudio] traverso 0.42.0/SVN build fails

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On Fr, 14.12.07 15:44 rob <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Thomas Kuther wrote:
> > CMake is really brilliant in that regard.
> > No idea.. works for me.
> >
> > Please use the one in portage, that seems to contain fixes.
> > 0.42 is already deleted from the overlay.
> >   
> Still in the overlay here...
> layman -S           
> * Running command "/usr/bin/svn update 
> "/usr/portage/local/layman/pro-audio""...
> At revision 1029.
> * Running command "/usr/bin/svn update 
> "/usr/portage/local/layman/sunrise""...
> At revision 5261.
> *
> * Success:
> * ------
> *
> * Successfully synchronized overlay "pro-audio".
> * Successfully synchronized overlay "sunrise".
> castro ~ # eix traverso
> [U] media-sound/traverso
>      Available versions:  ~0.40.0[1] ~0.41.0-r1 ~0.42.0 ~0.42.0[1] 
> (**)9999[1] {alsa debug jack lame lv2 mad opengl portaudio sse}
>      Installed versions:  0.30.1[1](19:54:08 02/05/07)(alsa jack sse)
>      Homepage:  
>      Description:         Professional Audio Tools for GNU/Linux
> [1] "proaudio" /usr/portage/local/layman/pro-audio
> > Please report if it works, then i'll add those patches to the SVN
> > one. Also report if it pulls in extra dependencies which I might
> > have missed. 
> Will do - if I can figure out how to merge the portage one instead of 
> the overlay...
> > Thanks!
> >   

lol, update-eix

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