Re: [proaudio] traverso 0.42.0/SVN build fails

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On Fr, 14.12.07 15:21 rob <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> traverso 0.42 failed, so I tried SVN which also fails at the same
> point;
> [ 61%] Built target traversosongcanvas
> [ 62%] Building CXX object 
> buildfiles/CMakeFiles/traversocore.dir/moc_SnapList.o
> [ 62%] Building CXX object
> buildfiles/CMakeFiles/traversocore.dir/moc_Song.o [ 62%] Building CXX
> object buildfiles/CMakeFiles/traversocore.dir/moc_Themer.o
> [ 62%] Building CXX object 
> buildfiles/CMakeFiles/traversocore.dir/moc_TimeLine.o
> [ 63%] Building CXX object 
> buildfiles/CMakeFiles/traversocore.dir/moc_Track.o
> [ 63%] Building CXX object 
> buildfiles/CMakeFiles/traversocore.dir/moc_ViewPort.o
> [ 63%] Building CXX object 
> buildfiles/CMakeFiles/traversocore.dir/moc_WriteSource.o
> [ 64%] Building CXX object 
> buildfiles/CMakeFiles/traversocore.dir/moc_ContextItem.o
> [ 64%] Building CXX object 
> buildfiles/CMakeFiles/traversocore.dir/moc_InputEngine.o
> [ 64%] Building CXX object 
> buildfiles/CMakeFiles/traversocore.dir/moc_CommandPlugin.o
> Linking CXX static library ../lib/libtraversocore.a
> [ 64%] Built target traversocore
> make: *** [all] Error 2
>  *
>  * ERROR: media-sound/traverso-9999 failed.
>  * Call stack:
>  *    , line 1701:  Called dyn_compile
>  *    , line 1039:  Called qa_call 'src_compile'
>  *    , line   44:  Called src_compile
>  *   traverso-9999.ebuild, line   51:  Called cmake-utils_src_compile
>  *     cmake-utils.eclass, line   81:  Called cmake-utils_src_make
>  *     cmake-utils.eclass, line  146:  Called die
>  * The specific snippet of code:
>  *              emake "$@" || die "Make failed!"
>  *  The die message:
>  *   Make failed!
>  *
>  * If you need support, post the topmost build error, and the call
> stack if relevant.
>  * A complete build log is located at 
> '/var/tmp/portage/media-sound/traverso-9999/temp/build.log'.
>  *
> The build.log referred to contained no more information than stdout...

CMake is really brilliant in that regard.
No idea.. works for me.

Please use the one in portage, that seems to contain fixes.
0.42 is already deleted from the overlay.

Please report if it works, then i'll add those patches to the SVN one.
Also report if it pulls in extra dependencies which I might have missed.


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