Re: [proaudio] ck-sources vs. rt-sources

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Mark Knecht wrote:
  I'm just wondering if anyone on this list has any experience with
ck-sources? How does it compare to rt-sources for usability with real
time audio.


hey mark,

my experiences are split, one the one hand, ck really does a good job and a relatively low percentage of xruns on high load, but still, comparing it to rt-sources, it would not actually get away that well. I am sure loads of kernel-freaks could give a more elaborate answer, but during heavy load (be it compiling something or doing a/v stuff, rt-sources are much more efficient and there are less xruns wtih jackd throughout. In case you don't need nvidias display drivers (I tested a bit even with some of the rt-driver patches from the nivida forum, the kernel freezes quite often) and use mostly open source stuff it should work more than ok.



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