Re: [proaudio] ebuild for snd-ls

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Here is an ebuild for snd-ls.
The other files go in the files directory of the ebuild.

Hope it will work for you as well as it work for me.

It is maybe a better way to get it to work. The build script from the program is working just fine with emerge for me. It recognise things as the correct LDFLAGS.
I try to run the install script with emerge, but get only write access problems and sandbox violations. So I have done it with portage commands.


Attachment: snd-ls-
Description: Binary data

;; Installation directory.
(define prefix "/usr/share")

 ;; Which directory guile and guile-config is placed in.
;; A normal value could be "/usr/local/bin". Leaving it blank ("") will cause the use of the directory of the first guile-config binary in PATH.
(define guile-bin-dir "")
(set! %load-path (cons "/usr/share/snd-ls/snd-8" %load-path))

(set! (ladspa-dir) (if (getenv "LADSPA_PATH")
                       (getenv "LADSPA_PATH")
(if (access? (string-append (getenv "HOME") "/.snd-ls") R_OK)
    (load  (string-append (getenv "HOME") "/.snd-ls"))
    (load-from-path "snd_conffile.scm"))

Attachment: snd-ls
Description: Binary data

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