Re: [proaudio] again with VST support

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Thomas Kuther wrote:
> So lets make
> that dir writeable to the audio group.
That's good :)
But could you also add an echo (are they called ewarnings?) to the
vst-related ebuilds to warn people they have to be in the audio group to
have VST working?
> Most of the VSTs with installer asked where the VST dir is on
> installation. I gave it /usr/local/lib/vst, and that worked, as only
> the .dll gets copied there.
That's right. But if you try to install VST stuff under Windows, 99% of
the time it'll automagically guess what are your default VstPlugins
directories. So there should be some registry information read by all
the VST installers... I asked if anybody knows what is it, to include it
in wine registry information :)

thank you once again


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