[proaudio] Some early questions

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  I've been watching your messages over the last couple of weeks
about the Pro Audio overlay for Gentoo. It's great that someone has
taken on this task for the Gentoo community. Thanks very much.

  I'd like to get a couple of questions answered:

1) I've not used an overlay under Gentoo. Does it fall into line with
tools like eix and all the standard portage databases?

2) If I have trouble with it what is the process to remove it and all
apps only supported by it?

  I want to investigate the overlay, but I've had problems in the
past with things like this under Fedora. They get started and run
great for awhile, but then the well intentioned folks who started run
out of energy to support it and the overlay/repository falls into
disrepair. When this happened under FC3 it caused me no end of

  Again, please don't take my message as negative. I think what you
are doing is really great.


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