Re: [proaudio] emerge rt-sources && ln -s linux -> rt-sources

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Colin Shapiro wrote:
On 5/26/06, *Mark Knecht* <markknecht@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:markknecht@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Further, I think that creating this link is not the Gentoo way. This
    link is neither created, changed or destroyed when emerging
    gentoo-sources or any of the other kernels. I think it should really
not be done here.

Well I do agree that it is a behavior that shouldn't exist, since the "symlink" USE flag is supposed to give the user control over this. However, I am not so sure that this is a problem with the rt-sources ebuild, since I can say from experience that gentoo-sources also does this. It didn't always occur (it used to be the case that if you emerged a kernel with USE="-symlink", no symlink was created even if you didn't have one), but there was one point when I remember it just started happening.

So my point is that the problem may lie elsewhere, but of course since I don't know what causes it, I can't say for sure.

- Colin

rt-sources don't force the symlink. It's just like Colin described.
With USE=symlink you create a new symlink to that source and with USE=-symlink it shouldn't create one (locally it works this way)


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