Re: [pok] Building the POK examples with Ocarina

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On 11/15/2011 12:06 AM, Watney, Garth J (3496) wrote:

I am a software engineer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab. We are involved
in a research task exploring modeling for critical flight applications
using the ARINC 653 partitioned OS. I am interested in using the POK OS
and generating code from AADL models. My development platform is a Linux
X86 platform. I downloaded the POK installation (pok-20110202) and am
trying to build the example models provided. The POK documentation for
the Installation mentions a script called "" to
automatically install Ocarina. This script does not exist in my download
version. I then installed Ocarina version 1.2 separately but receive
syntax errors from the example builds. Maybe my Ocarina and POK versions
are incompatible.
Can you please provide me some direction on how best to proceed.


First, the latest release of POK is not really up-to-date, you should better use our SVN repository. You can make a checkout using :
svn co svn://

Files can be seen here :

In this latest version, the script was updated. If it does not work, you will indeed need the latest version of Ocarina. Sources can be found here :

And you can find also binary for linux ia32 here :

With that, I think you will be ready to use POK ! Hope that will help you. Do not hesitate to write again for any issue.

Best regards,

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