Re: [hatari-devel] Does Hatari work with two IDE images?

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Thanks for the test, Christian. Thanks to your idea of using EmuTOS I could indeed verify that it works for me as well. But I wasn't wrong either; while HD Driver manual states: With the "Devices and Partitions" dialog you can set which devices connected to which buses are searched for and managed by HDDRIVER it also states that With “Auto Configuring“ HDDRUTIL tries to identify all connected devices automatically. I could swear that it used to work exactly as I had intended, i.e. that it would enable IDE 1.0 for me automatically.

Anyway, that's for an entry on Uwe's forum, nothing to do with Hatari, all good there.

On Tue, 18 Feb 2025 at 18:00, Christian Zietz <czietz@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Christian Zietz schrieb:

> Works for me: Hatari 2.5.0, Falcon emulation, EmuTOS. Two IDE images
> with one partition each, they both show up and work as expected.

Same with Atari TOS 4.04 and HDDRIVER 12. This is -- of course -- after
enabling the IDE slave device in HDDRUTIL, like Thorsten already mentioned.

Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
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