[hatari-devel] Hatari with sdl2-compat

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as Arch Linux (and its derivatives) runs on near-upstream packages, I often get a preview of troubles ahead of me on other systems. :-)

Arch quite recently replaced SDL2 with sdl2-compat, i.e. a compatibility wrapper for SDL3 for usage with "old" programs which haven't migrated to SDL3 yet.

The good/bad news is that I have noticed only one issue and that is the infamous mouse grabbing: it has never been perfect but with this sdl2-compat wrapper it got much worse. It is no longer possible to "align" cursor with e.g. the right border and then go back left (already synced). The cursor stops shortly before every border and it is really tricky to get the mouse to e.g. open a GEM menu. It is possible (one has to move the mouse very slowly) but still, quite a pain.

I can't even start to imagine what went wrong there so just a heads up, there be dragons.


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