Re: [hatari-devel] Does Hatari work with two IDE images?

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Miro Kropáček schrieb:

it's entirely possible that I have messed something up but maybe it's a bug after all. I have an IDE image which boots on Falcon, Hatari and Aranym. However I wanted to create a copy of it with not all files inside so instead of using "dd" or similar I just copied it to a new name and tried to mount it via --ide-master <file> --ide-slave <file> (I'm using purely just command line switches, no config file). Then started HD Driver and while the master was there, the slave was not.

Works for me: Hatari 2.5.0, Falcon emulation, EmuTOS. Two IDE images with one partition each, they both show up and work as expected.

Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
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