Re: [hatari-devel] Hard drive emulation question

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On 29.11.2024 11.23, Laurent Sallafranque wrote:
 > Which one are you using for your tests ?

I always use the Gemdos HD emulation.

In addition to skipping everything that the real HW does, that skips also all disk related activity done by the TOS / HD driver, which can in some cases add very significant delay (depending on program disk access patterns).

If you care about HD timings, you should start by using hard disk images, and use "atari-hd-image" script to convert dir contents into EmuTOS compatible HD image.

	- Eero

PS. You could consider testing also some relevant disk driver(s) in addition to EmuTOS, as driver could use interrupt that may conflict with what demo does, and it reserves some memory for disk caching.

It wouldn't have to emulate precisely each type of harddrive of the planet (that would not be possible ;), but just introduce a delay to simulate a delay.


Le 29/11/2024 à 10:19, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
Le 29/11/2024 à 10:02, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :
Hi Hatarians,

I've got a little question about hard drive emulation under Hatari.

When I code a game or a demo which loads data from the hard drive, the loading speeds varies a lot between my Linux fast PC and my real falcon compact  flash memory card (and I guess it would also vary with a real mechanical hard drive).

Under hatari, it loads nearly instantly.
Under real falcon, there's a few ms to seconds delay before loading is finished.

Would it be possible to introduce a "disk timing" parameter in the Hatari GUI parameters that would allow to "set virtually" a hard drive timing access ?

There's no urge in this request, it's just for emulating closer "real hardware experience".



I made some similar changes for the FDC some times ago.
commit 9dc550b0f2fb3 from 3/10/2021 adds a 4 cycles delay per word transferred in the DMA FIFO.

The same could be applied to HD, but there're several HD emulations :
 - gemdos mode (mapped to the unerlying filesystem)
 - acsi and scsi emulation on a disk file image

each one would require a specific patch

As gemdos HD mode is not a "real" HW feature, maybe the delays should be added only when using acsi/scsi mode.

Which one are you using for your tests ?


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